Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Read on to know what this is all about !!! ;)

OK fellas.... Now this part of my life.... No not now few weeks back.... rewind rewind..... ok yea that's it... enough of rewind.... lets hit it.... that part of my life was called the end of college life to be more specific... End of Engg... now i can also say "Naangalum Engineer !!!" (yea three exclamatory marks) its not a big deal still... a great achievement considering "Anna University" that one bloody big univ.... gosh ok enough about the univ and all.... Now back to the story... there are more than 270 Engg Coll's in Tamil Nadu lets not consider the 40+ coll's waiting for approval... Now i'm in a really big ocean of 90,000+ odd Engineers who passed out during 08-09. That's one big lot !!!! you know !!! It really sucks to be in this big big bunch of Engineers but as i'm a Mechie... You know... (If you don't know you better find it out for yourself ! )

I in past few days was busy with some of my work so had to wait this long to update more on Sharan.R [yea thats me ;)]. In the mean time i wrote TANCET so that i can join MBA (No joke, I'm serious !!!) it was kinda ok... lets hope it turns out ok. Right now i'm listening to "Excuse me Mr.Kandhasamy" the song is quite good, the only song which is worth listening from that album. Its my pick for the week :)
As i'm running short of time, i have to cut it here,will update from here in the NXT log..... so until then take care.... i know its kinda too bad to stop all of a sudden... but i know this kind of polishes the end... if it doesn... you better !!! (yep 3 Exclamatory marks again ) ;)