How i got to write this particular story is... hmmm i was checking some photos which i had took at home some time back(dates back to 2009) and alas i saw this photo !!! A photo of a Duck in my home !! Yes its a duck the same duck as in Donald Duck !!!
The story goes something like this...
My dad was on the way home for lunch and he had to take a different route to home and its a muddy road probably the driver assumed it to be a short cut,and all of a sudden the driver hit the brakes very hard... the car came to a screeching halt !! My dad thought something went wrong with the car for a second and the driver told my dad "sir,Its a Duck" Dunno what my dad was thinking, few minutes later it was in my home !!! I mean the Duck !!!
When me and my mom saw it we were like "OMG a DUCK" !! It was very scared seeing all of us and was trying to run away and hide itself in the bushes in our garden,we had a dog at that time(Now we have two dogs) it was sniffing around and we were waiting near the bush for it come out so did the dog. And after sometime must have thought it is better to get in the hands of these people rather than ending up in the doggie's stomach and it came out... we took him inside and gave him a cardboard box and water in a plastic box for him to drink and what he did was, he was trying to swim in that lil box !!! After all he's a Duck !!He was in my home for a few days, it was really hard to keep the duck out of the dog's reach phew !!! And then Me and my Mom we decided to take the Duck to my Native i.e. Kerala so that the duck can roam around where ever it wants... My dad was not ok with it,still we talked him in to it... My mom hated the
duck for one reason - It stinks Naturally !!!
Me and My Mom learnt few Lesson's in those few days...
1. You can't have a duck in your home it stinks !!!
2. It wont grow alone,It needs a pair !!! (Seriously yaar)
3. Ducks are cute :-) At least the lil one..
4. Dogs chase ducks ;)
5. Duck can quack and wake you up in the morning and that is when i started hating it :p
What i personally found out is....
Ducks can also be a reason for you to blog :p ;-)!!!
Some Clicks of Mr.Duck
I know its kinda cute...
PS : I dunno if the duck is a He or she, I just assumed it to be HE !!!